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Whilst we have developed a defined daily routine that provides much needed structure for the children and our practitioners, it enables a comprehensive and varied programme of both outdoor and, when necessary, indoor activity.
We spend as much time as possible outside either using our own garden and woodland space or visiting Milton Common, Langstone seashore and our surrounding area generally. Whilst it would be lovely if it was warm and sunny all year round, we do need our all weather gear! The children enjoy getting ready to go out and they love learning about the changing seasons and the world around them through real life experiences and interaction with their environment in all weathers.

As far as possible, our Little Bears are creative with natural materials and resources, allowing them not only to be creative but also to gain an understanding of the natural resources they are working with.
Messy play is a fun way to develop fine motor skills and experience a wide range of textures and sensations.
Outdoor learning enables children to develop speech and language skills in a natural and calm environment.

All areas of the curriculum are enhanced through creative development.
Our practitioners and visiting professionals complement the childrens ideas and learning in support of their own creative development.

My name is Father Bear. I love to go on adventures and explore new things. Will you win the draw to take me home this weekend? Introduce me to your family and show me what you enjoy doing.
Take some pictures to show the rest of the children how much fun we had together. I look forward
to my new adventure…
Here’s some ideas for fun things we can do this weekend…
Go to the beach and see the sea
Go to the park to play
Watch your favourite film at home
Or go to your favourite place with your family
(Psst! Don’t forget to take lots of pictures, and remember that I am an old bear so please be careful with me!)
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