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In addition to our light and welcoming indoor facilities, we have a wonderful secure outdoor space where we have worked hard on trying to preserve a natural woodland feel.
Everything that we do and practice on a daily basis, both indoors and outdoors, is inspired by the following ethos ......

"Forest School is an inspirational process that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees.

Forest School is a specialised learning approach that sits within and compliments the wider context of outdoor and woodland education."

Source: Forest School Association

If you help me access the natural world - allow me to run, shout, fidget and giggle and give me time to explore the things that I find interesting - I promise you that I will learn more in the split second of an exciting meaningful discovery outdoors than in weeks of learning inside.


Source: Muddyfaces


An increasing number of early years settings are seeing the benefits of Forest School as an approach to supporting outdoor learning. Participation in Forest School encourages development across all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage and has been shown to be hugely beneficial for children with a range of emotional and developmental needs.


Source: Pre-School Learning Alliance

"....It really stood out to me how confident your group are outdoors.  The Forest School must be doing the trick!.."

Jess Daish Miller, Community Education Officer (Milton Locks), Hants & IoW Wildlife Trust

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Little Bears Forest Preschool - Garden & Woodland area
Little Bears Forest Preschool - Garden & Woodland area

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